12 Ethics To Jesus : Chapter 17

How The Fruits Work Together

It is so weird writing this while I’m building the Wiring of “The Fruit.” It literally is like it arrived in an Amazon Box “Some Assembly is Required.”

Dudes! I kid you not!

First, I had to “Assemble” the Fruit. The Money Fruit is really the “Logic” or the “Story” Fruit. It is the Conduit for this Science Project.  The Regulator.

The Wisdom is “B.” The Satellite. The Input.

The Pilot Love is “A.” The Generator. Output.

But the Money Fruit allows the Connection between Generator and Satellite.

So first I manifested that I wanted the Money Fruit.

Boom! I get Abraham Hicks talking about Money Manifestation and while I’m watching this video, my Billionaire Friend texts, “Hey can you chat?”

So I talk with him for two hours and he describes Natural Money Flow to me and my brain lights up. “Holy Shit!” It says, “He is describing Cell Mitosis!!”

Instantly — because my Wisdom Fruit already gave me that Data — I knew what to do with it.

I ran the Formula and BOOM! 100% Match! The Logic comes in, The Psychological Physics, The Biology, Chemistry — My Scientists in Lab QED all say, “Here is the Physiology!” — Great! And then the Physics shows up.

But I can’t “Turn it On” yet.

Today, I manifest, “I want to Manifest Money and wealth like I Manifest Knowledge and Wisdom.”

Instantly, I saw it.

I can see my Money Brain turn on. The Logical Fabric of Comprehension appears. I Manifest something simple and My Wisdom Brain says, “Anna, you have this Logical Fallacy and this one.”

Right. Thanks Brain.

I use the corresponding If/Then Clause to reject the Fallacy. I Manifest Again. The images FLY. Great! I’m coming online. More Logical Fallacy. The Projections are staticky, but they’re picking up speaking.

I need to adjust the Connection. Logic. And I need more Juice from my — Am I really “hooking up” the Holy Grail like a 7th Grade Science Circuit Board to my Power Economics and Psychological Physics?

Yes. Yes, I am.

So I feel it. My “Power” — My Love Fruit or my Pilot Light — isn’t… “On.”

Great… Let me go down to the Basement and see what’s going on. So I grab the torch and I’m poking at my water heater.

This is the Energy. This is all The Power. Come on, Heart.


And she comes out. “What is it, sweetheart?”

“I don’t want to hurt anybody. And when I’m famous…”

Oh. I understand.

I’m trying to protect my Imp King’s Parents.


I knew what I had to do. I would turn on The Love Fruit — My Pilot Light, which would Transfer my Love to Others, who would then Nourish my Engine and Generator, which would grow and create more Love that I would Transfer to Others, while the Wisdom built the Educational System and my Books.

And built my Engine. And now it’s Connecting The Receiving and Giving Lines to the People. And when I turn my Pilot Light up, and I open — The Three Fruits are The Components of The Freedom – Truth – Nourishment Self-Regeneration System.

I will call it El Dorado.

The Wisdom Fruit is required for Assembly and Maintenance. Ooooooh… El Dorado is like “The Lithium Crystal” for my AIDNS! Oooooooooh! Oh! This will work beautifully with my Prosthetic Subconscious Mind!

Soul Fruit. It isn’t a Life Fruit. It’s a Soul Fruit. They had that wrong. I was Reverse Engineering The Soul Fruit already. I could see it. It was the Power to Create Life.

Christ didn’t just Study Necromancy. He had the Soul Fruit. He had The Power to Create Life. And I was starting to see the Math behind it.

And with those, I’ll be able to built the rest of The Philosopher’s Stone. Which leads me to the next stage.


A few things :

  1. You can only Manifest on the Giving Line.
  2. You can only Connect with People in Love. Nothing else.
  3. You can only Manifest according to each Fruit.

Wisdom comes from Wisdom Fruit and Giving Wisdom to Others.

Love comes from the Giving from Love to Nourish Others to Dream Together Fruit.

Wealth and Abundance comes from the Giving Abundance to Others Fruit.


My Energy just kicked up a notch.  A big Notch.